
Real Farmers, Real Food - As told by Miss America 2011

Although, I am normally not a huge advocate for the Miss America contest, I don't dislike it for any reason and this girl has got it going on in agriculture. Way to step up in your position and support our Farmers and Ranchers today!

It is so true that many people in our country have no idea where their food comes from, or a single person that is in the front line of animal or crop production. How can you sit there and have a pointed opinion about an industry that you have never fully researched. Take some time today and visit http://www.realfarmersrealfood.com/ before making anymore judgement on the people who sustain your every day life.

- Affectionately, Tornado Aly

1 comment:

Crystal Cattle said...

Great minds think alike! I love the Emotional IQ questions you posted. Definitely something to think about. I am also hugely against profanity - call me old fashion.
