I have been fortunate enough to be raised around and work with what I believe to be some of the most intelligent and caring people I have ever met.
To me intelligence is not only your ability to retain information, or have the ability to thoroughly communicate with others, it is also your ability in Effective Decision Making.
Communication in decision making is a key factor and three things to really help you are:
- Listen: This requires closing your mouth and directing your attention to the person speaking, do not let your mind wander.
- Ask Questions: Ask questions about absolutely everything. An inquiring mind is a brilliant mind.
- Acknowledge a persons strengths: Just because someone does not enjoy or understand certain things that you do (i.e. Farmer vs. Banker) Both have there strengths and bring extreme value and knowledge in their respective area.
A very intelligent man that I work with on a regular basis outlined these 4 points on effective decision making yesterday afternoon. Although they were spoken in more mathematical terms they relate to every area of decision making.
1. Proof
- Gather and show your supporting data
2. Evaluate
- What are you looking for in this data
3. Are you satisfied with the current results
- If not, what improvements are you making
4. Why do you recommend that decision
- Write out your recommendation as though you need to have it approved by someone else
If you follow these steps as you meet decisions head on in life, you should have no issue making an effective one.
Remember, an effective decision is not always a the fun decision.
Affectionately, Tornado Aly
The Power of Choice
It's so saddening and disheartening to know there is nothing you can do or say to save someone that you love beyond measure. Someone who has entered a destructive relationship and can't see it. An adult given the power of choice and this is what they chose...
We as humans, can be very selfish by nature, saying we are doing something for the benefit of another when truly it's based on our wants. We've lost hope in the fact that things change and the best is yet to come.
We begin thinking there is no way that I will ever survive. Those things wont happen for me. That's nice, but your more special than I am. I'm damaged goods that no one will ever except.
God has given us all the power of choice and decision, but sometimes we make the wrong ones rationalizing them to fit our wants not our needs.
The weakness that enters our body from the loneliness of wanting to share your love and life with someone else can seem unbearable at times. We can make rash decisions based on this loneliness and can end up with an abusive partner, men and women.
Abuse does not solely mean physical "punishment." It can be emotional abuse and verbal abuse.
Once you are "broken" by this person, you begin to believe the things that they say to you. You begin to feel worthless and emotionally drained. You feel as though there is no possible way that anyone could ever want you especially when this person you have given your whole heart barely wants you.
You begin to blame yourself and have a tendency to cover up for them saying, oh they wont do it again. They didn't really lie, I just misunderstood. It's my fault they blew up, I know they don't like that and I could have prevented it.
Each time you excuse their wrongs, it only encourages them to continue the behavior.
It can seem impossible to escape this viscous life style because of your feeling of being worthless. If they leave you, you feel your life is over. It is very easy to go back to this person when given the opportunity due to your brokenness. But let me say, abusive nature does NOT end. It is a character issue. A life changing moment of death or some other traumatic event is likely the only way to "change" these people, you cannot. And they will not for you.
People who have children with an abusive partner will say things like, but they need their dad/mom. Children need both of their parents.
While this is true in most cases, you need to sit back and think, do I really want my child raised in this environment? Do I really want them to have this person's character flaws? Because even when you say oh they wont be like that they're my children! This is not true, children act like BOTH of their parents when raised with them, it is WRONG and it is SELFISH for you to keep them in a situation like that, especially knowing full well the destruction to others that it causes.
I am not endorsing separation or divorce due to laziness, I am trying to explain that this behavior is not acceptable. Ever. For any reason.
God gave you the power of choice for a reason, to create the best life possible, not to accept things the way that they are.
Never settle.
Be very picky.
Write down your desires in a partner and never quit until you find them.
Leave everything to chance (that's when you will find them.)
No one is perfect I understand, but the person who deserves you will treat you like you are...
Affectionately, Tornado Aly
We as humans, can be very selfish by nature, saying we are doing something for the benefit of another when truly it's based on our wants. We've lost hope in the fact that things change and the best is yet to come.
We begin thinking there is no way that I will ever survive. Those things wont happen for me. That's nice, but your more special than I am. I'm damaged goods that no one will ever except.
God has given us all the power of choice and decision, but sometimes we make the wrong ones rationalizing them to fit our wants not our needs.
The weakness that enters our body from the loneliness of wanting to share your love and life with someone else can seem unbearable at times. We can make rash decisions based on this loneliness and can end up with an abusive partner, men and women.
Abuse does not solely mean physical "punishment." It can be emotional abuse and verbal abuse.
Once you are "broken" by this person, you begin to believe the things that they say to you. You begin to feel worthless and emotionally drained. You feel as though there is no possible way that anyone could ever want you especially when this person you have given your whole heart barely wants you.
You begin to blame yourself and have a tendency to cover up for them saying, oh they wont do it again. They didn't really lie, I just misunderstood. It's my fault they blew up, I know they don't like that and I could have prevented it.
Each time you excuse their wrongs, it only encourages them to continue the behavior.
It can seem impossible to escape this viscous life style because of your feeling of being worthless. If they leave you, you feel your life is over. It is very easy to go back to this person when given the opportunity due to your brokenness. But let me say, abusive nature does NOT end. It is a character issue. A life changing moment of death or some other traumatic event is likely the only way to "change" these people, you cannot. And they will not for you.
People who have children with an abusive partner will say things like, but they need their dad/mom. Children need both of their parents.
While this is true in most cases, you need to sit back and think, do I really want my child raised in this environment? Do I really want them to have this person's character flaws? Because even when you say oh they wont be like that they're my children! This is not true, children act like BOTH of their parents when raised with them, it is WRONG and it is SELFISH for you to keep them in a situation like that, especially knowing full well the destruction to others that it causes.
I am not endorsing separation or divorce due to laziness, I am trying to explain that this behavior is not acceptable. Ever. For any reason.
God gave you the power of choice for a reason, to create the best life possible, not to accept things the way that they are.
Never settle.
Be very picky.
Write down your desires in a partner and never quit until you find them.
Leave everything to chance (that's when you will find them.)
No one is perfect I understand, but the person who deserves you will treat you like you are...
Affectionately, Tornado Aly
Just life in general
Who are these people? Where am I?!?
GPS to Southwest Kansas but apparently it got confused and I landed somewhere between a Ripley Circus and... the Ghetto.
I was excited about neither.
Do you ever pass people and wonder, why? Why would you have an airbrushing of a naked woman in a sombrero, with both of her arms chopped off and one boob in the center of her chest?? Not to mention her zipper like "stitches." Really, who on earth ever said that this >>>>
was a good idea!!?? I mean I can honestly tell you this is one of the most bizzar things I have ever encountered and it's painted onto a persons motor vehicle. That they drive. EVERYDAY.

What about the old man that likes to ride his ginormous bike around town? I keep waiting for little bears in hats to start juggling each time I see him. Yeah it wasn't just a once thing this bike toting gentlemen rides around on a regular basis. If you ask me that's quite a fall looking for a place to happen. Don't come crying to us when you need a hip replacement, it's not our fault you like to be a one act show.
And lets not leave out the openly public bathrooms that seem to be mighty popular round these parts.
That's just completely unnecessary. Seriously. I want to meet the person who designed this bathroom and shake there hand for being one of the biggest idiot... ever. I'm going to start taking pictures every time I come across one of these beauties and create a collage for all of my faithful readers.
Someone save me before Im sucked further into this *Twilight Zone*
- Affectionately, Tornado Aly
Fall Delivery
I spent Saturday afternoon with my cattleman unloading calves out of Colorado. I really enjoy spending time with him doing something we both love so much. It was the perfect day too, the OSU Cowboys had a great win in the noon game and the weather was spectacular, 75 and sunny with little wind!
Backing in the driver |
Start the unloading |
counting calves as they come off the trailer |
double count |
waiting on more calves |
counting again (can you see a pattern yet) |
sorting by sex |
Calves in a holding area |
holding area |
Holding Area |
turning lose |
We unloaded seven trailers full coming up to 750 head of fresh weaned calves. Needless to say it was an extremely noisy event due to all of the balling, but they're doing better now getting used to the new environment. I can't wait for next weekend we should be getting another 800!
- Affectionately, Tornado Aly
I heart BEEF
People of the Laundry Mat
Do you know the website www.peopleofwalmart.com? If you don’t go check it out, please. It is a collection of photos of the most ridiculous people on the face of the planet that just so happen to be shopping at Wal-Mart. I personally think there needs to be one for the people of the laundry mat, because going into the coin op is always an adventure.
I chose this specific coin-op because it’s in a nice location, very clean, everything is
white, they have good machines and there is always someone working there so it feels safe. But, no matter how clean and safe one is they are always jam packed with weirdo’s and this day was no exception.

Pulling into the parking lot it was just like every other visit, there were not very many cars and the front door propped open to allow a nice breeze cooling off the indoors. I park and pop the trunk of my little car to pull out the laundry, and as I step out I notice there is someone in the SUV next to me. There is a handicapped sticker in the car so naturally I assume someone here is going to be mentally or physically challenged, but don’t forget what happens when you assume things. The door to the vehicle opens and out pops this young kid, he was a little shorter than me, had sandy blonde hair, a stained t-shirt and cargo shorts on, of course he feels the need to speak to me, and I don't handle small talk very well. Our conversation goes like so:
Kid: “Hey you got a number?”
Me: “No.”
Kid: “Well why not”
Me: “I don’t have one I just moved here.”
This was a blatant lie but he was like 14 and by the way he was mumbling and acting I put the pieces together in my head that he was the challenged one in the group.
Kid: “Oh well can I take you out sometime?”
Me: “No I’m too old for you.”
Kid: “Well can I at least just have a hug”
This only served to cement my early thoughts that he was the challenged one because they generally say things like that.
Me: “No.”
Kid: “Your mean.” and slams the door shut.
As you can tell he was acting completely absurd, I do not have issues with people who have mental problem, I actually volunteer at a riding facility specializing in handicapped horsemanship lessons, and for everyone that has spent time around people with disabilities you very well know there are certain types of behavior that you can’t allow or they just keep acting that way. They think it’s funny, and you have to be stern just like you are with children. I wasn’t mean I was short.
So I venture indoors to find these two women washing laundry, crazy right doing laundry in laundry mat what was I thinking. One was older, I’d say about 70, we will call her Cat Woman, she had on a faded button down denim shirt with flowers and patterns, pink floods and flip-flops but her purse was outstanding! It was picnic table-cloth patterned, with
fabric eggs and bacon sewn on it, I was mildly jealous of her find. The second woman, referred to as Rosey, had hair pulled tightly up in a bun, an oversized yet to short t-shirt on, with denim cut of shorts and white sneaks. Rosy was an interesting woman she spoke very loudly (basically yelling over the noise) on her cell phone and taking up half of the machines while folding a mountain of clothing. I was minding my own business watching my laundry spin round and round, no matter how inconspicuous I try and remain these people always want to talk to me. Here she comes, over to my side of the folding table smacking and popping the gum in her mouth looks right at me and so begins our exchange:

Rosey: “Hey I’ve seen you here before, how many kids do you got?”
Me: “None, I’m too young to have children.”
Rosey: “Yeah I thought you was. Yep I just got divorced, was gonna move to Wichita but those plans got slowed up. I’ve washed 32 loads of laundry today isn’t that somethin’? I moved all my stuff into my mom’s house, she’s standing right over there (she point
s at Cat Woman) but she’s kind of a pack rat and has lots of cats. I put all our clothes in black trash bags in the garage but the cats peed on everything. I’ve still got more that needs washed though. I even bought her a different washer and dryer but Cat Woman’s got too much crap. She won’t let you keep the door open long enough to do anything ‘cause the woman’s scared one of the hair balls will get loose.”

Trying to wrap my mind around why in the world this woman would tell me these things, why would you ever tell a stranger cats peed all over your clothes!? The only thing I can muster up right now is:
Me: “Oh wow, yeah that’s no good at all.” I’m sure the expression on my face spoke volumes.
In the meantime the kid walks in, waves at me, says something to Rosy that I can’t quit hear over the commotion of washers and dryers, then makes his way back out to the car. Once he is gone, she very non-shalantly says to me:
Rosey: “Yeah my oldest boy, the one that was just in here, he’s sittin out in the car trippin’ but I’m making him sweat it out.”
Me: “What?”
As you can imagine I know what tripping means but cannot for the life of me think that she is using it the way I think she is… or is she?
Rosey: “Oh yeah, he smoked something he shouldn’t have, BUT it was legal.”
(Oh yeah, I forgot, because it was legal it’s ok to do.)
Rosey: “Let’s just say, the package it was in said not for human consumption. So to teach him a lesson I’m making him sweat it out. Yep the boys trippin in the car.”
What would you do if someone said this to you? Out of no where?? I was riding a fine line of trying to decide whether I should laugh or be concerned, either way I was in complete shock. Oh and did I mention that the tripping son is also the one that hit on me in the parking lot? Now it makes since why I thought he was mentally challenged… it was because he was 14 and TRIPPING. IN THE CAR.
Rosey continued to chat me up as her other 10 loads were washing and drying and I was hurriedly folding my laundry to get out of there. When I was finished she says:
Rosey: “Hey girl, can’t wait to do some more clothes witcha! I love having laundry mat friends.”
Me: “Oh yeah, me either.”
This was truly the most unique trip to the coin-up for me, and honestly say that I hope nothing tops it in the future. I am way too reserved for conversations like this. They say a picture is worth a thousand words and I truly wish I had a picture of this clan for The People of the Laundry Mat.
- Affectionately, Tornado Aly
....I think it may be time to start shopping for my own machines....
You came from somewhere to get here.
So, I'm a Risk Manager for a 200,000 head feedlot, I do things like trade futures, create reports, attend management meetings, help with forage procurement, market cattle and dabble in ration mixing. But, before this girl became a behind the desker on a daily basis, I was a hard workin', glove totin', calf pullin', bale tossin' Queen.
My heart lies in the cow-calf industry, that's where I got my start. I was born and raised in Ohio where I found my first love, the Black Angus. For those of you who aren't aware the CAB (Certified Angus Beef) was developed and stationed in Wooster, nestled in the green rolling hills of Eastern Ohio and just a hop, skip and a jump from where I grew up. We had a grain crops farm as well as a cow-calf and feeding operation. All of my family lives in the same county (some even the same road) and we always got together as often as possible.
Although, I do love the vast openness of the Southern prairies, being able to see miles upon miles away, and lets face it... cows, I greatly miss the towering trees and grassy hills of southern Ohio.
Fall time is my favorite back home because of the crisp air and changing leaves. I miss the festivities and the food (I love food.) Each time I watch a Buckeyes game playing in The Shoe I get a little more homesick. I want to play corn-hole and drink homemade apple cider from my family's orchard. I want to wear a hoodie, race through a corn maze then sit by a bonfire (for anyone living in a hole, fires are banned out here due to lack of rain.) I miss being able to just call up my sister and go shopping, watching the game and having dinner with my Dad every Sunday, my nephews growing up and Pearls and Pumps Extravaganza (you have to be a Cyrus woman to be apart of that.)
But, I made a commitment and I wouldn't change my life now for anything not to mention I found the most amazing cattleman in the world, but from time to time I sit here and contemplate the reality of buying a personal jet to go back whenever I would like... you know because that's feasible.
Well I'll get off my memory lane mope and get back to work, but just remember it's ok to be homesick, it doesn't make you week or insecure it just means you were raised with love.
- Affectionately, Tornado Aly
My heart lies in the cow-calf industry, that's where I got my start. I was born and raised in Ohio where I found my first love, the Black Angus. For those of you who aren't aware the CAB (Certified Angus Beef) was developed and stationed in Wooster, nestled in the green rolling hills of Eastern Ohio and just a hop, skip and a jump from where I grew up. We had a grain crops farm as well as a cow-calf and feeding operation. All of my family lives in the same county (some even the same road) and we always got together as often as possible.
Although, I do love the vast openness of the Southern prairies, being able to see miles upon miles away, and lets face it... cows, I greatly miss the towering trees and grassy hills of southern Ohio.

But, I made a commitment and I wouldn't change my life now for anything not to mention I found the most amazing cattleman in the world, but from time to time I sit here and contemplate the reality of buying a personal jet to go back whenever I would like... you know because that's feasible.
Well I'll get off my memory lane mope and get back to work, but just remember it's ok to be homesick, it doesn't make you week or insecure it just means you were raised with love.
- Affectionately, Tornado Aly
Just life in general
EQ - Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
- Shapes the way we interact with others
- Is responsible for 80% of one's personal success
* When you can identify your emotions and the reason you are having them, you increase your ability to control reaction and relate to others.
Today I took the time to answer the following questions:
1. It makes me angry when...
- Someone has to remind you of the next thing to do even though the "next thing" is already on my mental or written list.
2. I don't like it when people...
- Chew their food with their mouths open.
3. I think it is rude to...
- Stand in or walk into someone else's office while they are clearly on the phone.
4. I feel offended when...
- Someone hangs up the phone without saying goodbye or mutually end the conversation.
5. At work, I wish people would...
- Refrain from using profanity in conversation, it causes a lack of respect in my eyes.
6. At work, I think it would be a better place if people would stop...
- Being so in depth with their personal lives, work is a place of business and professionalism. It's fine to be friends but try and do it outside of the workplace.
7. It makes me crazy when...
- People move my things, it's there for a reason.
8. If people would only...
- Think of what they are going to say before it actually comes out, you will seem more intelligent than just blurting out the first thing that comes to mind.
9. It annoys me when people say...
- That they don't know how to do something, but haven't taken the time to at least try and figure it out.
10. I get irritated when I come to work and...
- I have 15 messages about something that should have been addressed they day before.
Answering these questions has shown me that I have a slightly passive aggressive personality. I am an extremely laid back person, but because of that it causes me to have an irrational fear of upsetting someone. So I have a habit of not addressing things when they are bothering me...until the third time that is ;). In most cases it seems that emotional triggers can be bypassed by common courtesy's such as minding someones personal space, letting them tell you why they are doing something the way they are before automatically determining that it is wrong and plain old respect for another person.
So the next time you think someone is being absurd, or that they are upset for no reason, stop and think of the things that bother you and if you could have approached the situation differently.
- Affectionately, Tornado Aly
- Shapes the way we interact with others
- Is responsible for 80% of one's personal success
* When you can identify your emotions and the reason you are having them, you increase your ability to control reaction and relate to others.
- Aly
Today I took the time to answer the following questions:
1. It makes me angry when...
- Someone has to remind you of the next thing to do even though the "next thing" is already on my mental or written list.
2. I don't like it when people...
- Chew their food with their mouths open.
3. I think it is rude to...
- Stand in or walk into someone else's office while they are clearly on the phone.
4. I feel offended when...
- Someone hangs up the phone without saying goodbye or mutually end the conversation.
5. At work, I wish people would...
- Refrain from using profanity in conversation, it causes a lack of respect in my eyes.
6. At work, I think it would be a better place if people would stop...
- Being so in depth with their personal lives, work is a place of business and professionalism. It's fine to be friends but try and do it outside of the workplace.
7. It makes me crazy when...
- People move my things, it's there for a reason.
8. If people would only...
- Think of what they are going to say before it actually comes out, you will seem more intelligent than just blurting out the first thing that comes to mind.
9. It annoys me when people say...
- That they don't know how to do something, but haven't taken the time to at least try and figure it out.
10. I get irritated when I come to work and...
- I have 15 messages about something that should have been addressed they day before.
Answering these questions has shown me that I have a slightly passive aggressive personality. I am an extremely laid back person, but because of that it causes me to have an irrational fear of upsetting someone. So I have a habit of not addressing things when they are bothering me...until the third time that is ;). In most cases it seems that emotional triggers can be bypassed by common courtesy's such as minding someones personal space, letting them tell you why they are doing something the way they are before automatically determining that it is wrong and plain old respect for another person.
So the next time you think someone is being absurd, or that they are upset for no reason, stop and think of the things that bother you and if you could have approached the situation differently.
- Affectionately, Tornado Aly
Real Farmers, Real Food - As told by Miss America 2011
Although, I am normally not a huge advocate for the Miss America contest, I don't dislike it for any reason and this girl has got it going on in agriculture. Way to step up in your position and support our Farmers and Ranchers today!
- Affectionately, Tornado Aly
Fall Wreath
First let me say, I love thrifting. Like I really, really love thrifting. It's this amazing process where people get rid of things they no longer want or need, that from afar is a seemingly boggled mess. But, with a little imagination, craftiness and time to search on your side can result in wonderful treasure everyone else is dying to have but yours is the only one. It can't be duplicated. (p.s. I am not a photographer, so i apologize in advance for my inability.)
I found each of these following items at the local Salvation Army thrift store.

Wreath - $1.50 |
Odd Purple Flower Thingys - $.50 |
Glass Ball Thingys in fallish colors - $1.00 |
A flower bouquet that I took apart - $1.00 |
1/2 a roll of wired ribbon - $1.00 |
Put all of those pieces together for a combined total of $5.00, yep that's right, that no one, maybe several no ones, had a use for anymore and you get this fabulous one of a kind end of summer/beginning of fall wreath! See, this is why I LOVE thrifting!
Thrifty is Nifty
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